Richard Challoner School

Subtle Ways To Share Your Catholic Faith

"My brother, an Air Force veteran, once shared with me that his co-workers and subordinates have always been aware of his Catholic faith and devotion to God. Occasionally, they come to him with questions and difficulties, knowing that while he has godly wisdom, he won’t launch into a lengthy sermon. When it comes to evangelizing in the workplace, it is possible to share the life-changing message of the Gospel without proselytizing or turning people off. 

If we find it challenging to share Christ with others in the workplace, it doesn’t make us bad Catholics, but “hiding our light under a bushel” is not an option. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that the baptized are to proclaim Christ, “by word and the testimony of life” (905). Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us in our own unique circumstances as we consider how to witness to our faith in the workplace."

Please head over to CatholicLink to read the full post. 

Question to ponder: Which one of the suggestions could you include in your daily life?

Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash