Richard Challoner School

Be Christians who ‘leap for joy’ in the face of life

"Pope Francis told those gathered Saturday at a Mass in Marseille, France, to be Christians who “leap for joy” in the face of life’s challenges — with hearts ready to encounter the Lord and others.

“We want to be Christians who encounter God in prayer, and our brothers and sisters in love; Christians who leap, pulsate, and receive the fire of the Holy Spirit and then allow ourselves to be set afire by the questions of our day, by the challenges of the Mediterranean, by the cry of the poor — and by the ‘holy utopias’ of fraternity and peace that wait to be realized,” the pope said Sept. 23."

Please head over to the CNA to read the full post. 

Question to ponder: How do you communicate the joy of your faith?

Photo by Michael Baldovinos on Unsplash