Richard Challoner School

Praying Before a Nativity Scene

"In a remarkable spiritual offering, Catholics around the world have a unique chance to receive a plenary indulgence by praying before a Nativity scene!

This opportunity, lasting from December 8, 2023, to February 2, 2024, coincides with the 800th anniversary of Saint Francis of Assisi’s first Nativity scene. During this period, by visiting any Franciscan church and praying before the Nativity scene, the faithful can obtain this special grace.

The indulgence commemorates the historic moment in 1223 when Saint Francis created the first Nativity scene in Greccio, Italy. To mark this centenary, the Conference of the Franciscan Family sought and received Pope Francis’ approval for this indulgence. This indulgence is not just a ceremonial act but a profound spiritual practice deeply rooted in Catholic tradition." 

Please head over to uCatholic to read the full post.

Question to ponder: Why is a nativity scene so significant this year?

Photo by Gareth Harper on Unsplash