Richard Challoner School

5 Books You Should Read (or Recommend) this Summer!

"Growing up, I was always enamored by a good story. Whether it was a journey to unknown worlds or a walk with my favorite historical character, there was just something so brilliant and beautiful about the world of reading. Somewhere down the line, though, I lost my way with this pastime. It was noticeable. My stress levels were higher, my attention span was a hot mess, and I felt just a lack of connection to so many things.

According to a Sussex study done in 2009, reading can reduce stress levels by 68%. Want that again!? Reading can reduce stress levels by 68%! Ahh, don’t you already feel better just hearing that? Even better, these researchers went on to conclude that “reading a … book works better and faster than listening to music, going for a walk or sitting down with a cup of tea to calm frazzled nerves.”

Please head over to LifeTeen to read Rachel's full post

Image by Lubos Houska from Pixabay