Richard Challoner School

Bishop Richard Challoner

As the School community celebrates today the memory of Bishop Richard Challoner I thought it fitting to link to a post about him:

Umblepie over at WhiteSmoke posts a very useful article about him and his life:

"Bishop Richard Challoner

 Richard Challoner, born September 29, 1691 at Lewes, Sussex, and died January 12, 1781 in London. His father, also Richard Challoner, ‘a rigid Dissenter’, and wine-cooper of that place, died whilst he was a  child, and his mother with her son, took up domestic service in  the Catholic  household of Sir John Gage, at Firle near Lewes, shortly after moving to Warkworth, Nottinghamshire, in the service of a devout Catholic widow, a descendant of the Howard family. To the influence of these Catholic households can reasonably be attributed the conversion or reconciliation to the Church of Mrs Challoner, and the reception of her son when he was about 13 years old."

Please head over to Umblepie at WhiteSmoke to read the full post. 

Prayer for the Beatification of Bishop Richard Challoner:


O God who made your servant Richard,

a true and faithful pastor of your little flock in England,

raise him, we beseech you, to the altars of thy Church,

that we, who have been taught by his word and example

may invoke his name in heaven,

for the return of our country to belief in the Gospel,

and to the unity of all Christians in the one Church of Jesus Christ.

We ask this through the same Christ our Lord.


Bishop Richard Challoner

Pray for us