Richard Challoner School

How the early Christians lived their lives: 5 ways to be a witness today

"The book “The Example of the First Christians,” published in 2023 by the University of Navarra, examines the early followers of Jesus of Nazareth, whose lives continue to inspire and resonate with Catholics of all times, including today.

The book’s author, Gabriel Larrauri, explained to ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, that although people and circumstances change over the centuries, those who trusted in the words of Jesus and in the transmission of his message through the apostles “experienced a situation similar to the current one, and they faced its risks with complete naturalness.”

Please head over to the CNA to read the full post

Question to ponder: What is the most important lesson you can learn from them?

Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash