Richard Challoner School

Spirituality Blog

Spirituality News Items

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  • 18/09/24

    Does God really hear my prayers?

    Dr Edward and Beth Sri post an interesting article on CatholicLink
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  • 17/09/24

    7 of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s most popular titles

    Francesca Pollio Fenton posts some helpful information on the CNA
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  • 16/09/24

    Ukrainian bishop tells how his people endure war ‘Our strength is the Eucharist’

    Diego Lopez Marina posts on the CNA about the message from an Ukranian Bishop
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  • 13/09/24

    Christian youth in Iraq gather for prayer, faith formation

    Georgena Habbaba posts in the CNA about a gathering of 2000 youth in Iraq
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  • 12/09/24

    Intentionally hurting migrants ‘is a grave sin’

    Hannah Brockhaus posts on the CNA about Pope Francis' recent comments
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  • 11/09/24

    How To Support Your Priest

    Genevieve Perkins posts some useful tips on CatholicLink
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  • 10/09/24

    Quotes from St. Augustine’s most famous work, the ‘Confessions’

    Kate Quinones posts a helpful reflection on the CNA
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  • 09/09/24

    Pope Francis Prayer Intention for September

    The Pope Video posts about Pope Francis' prayer intention for the pain of the millions of victims of environmental catastrophes
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  • 05/09/24

    Back to School

    Vicky Ahmed posts a back to school relfection on CAFOD
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  • 12/07/24

    Prayers for the Summer Holidays

    The Jesuit Resource Centre post some useful prayers to help us through the summer
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  • 11/07/24

    Ideas To Make Sure Your Summer Is Prayerful

    Sebastian Campos posts some helpful ideas on CatholicLink
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  • 10/07/24

    Pope Francis' Prayer Intentions for July

    The Pope Video posts about Pope Francis' Prayer Intention - For the pastoral care of the sick
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