Richard Challoner School

Easter Holiday Activities

Well, here we are, 2 weeks into our COVID-19 lockdown and on the brink of the Easter Holidays. We know that it has been a tricky adjustment period for teachers, students and families alike, as we all try to come to terms with the “new normal”.

We hope that you have begun to settle in to your new routines and would encourage you to try and keep to them during the holiday period. However, it is the holiday period, and with that in mind we will not be setting academic work in the way that we have been doing for the duration of the school holiday.

Instead we have put together a range of suggested activities that you might like to try out as an individual, as a family, or even collectively online with some of your friends and extended family.

These activities are not in any way compulsory, but you might find them useful as a way of stretching your mind, or simply a way of filling the time during each day whilst we all continue to self-isolate.

We would suggest that you keep to some of the routines that you may have already built up around reading, exercise and personal interest topics. Then, if you find that you have additional time on your hands, you might like to pick a subject or an activity from our list to explore. In doing so you might like to build on existing skill or interest, or for that matter try something completely different and new.

This is by no means an exhaustive list and you may find other things already out there that may interest you more. If so, go for it!

Personally I’ve just started to try and learn some Italian each day using the Duolingo app and tonight I’m intending to watch the first of a number of plays that are being streamed for free by  The National Theatre

Have an explore when you get the chance and make sure that you have stayed on top of the work that you have been set over the last 2 weeks. If you are a bit behind, use the time in the coming weeks to catch up. Most of all stay safe and have a happy and holy Easter.